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The Veeam Cookbook Series

A simple step by step no frills approach to achieving your goal

Recipe: Accessing Veeam Backup for Azure appliance the first time

Expected deliverables:

Initial configuration of Veeam Backup for Azure appliance completed.

Time to complete: 5 minutes


  • The appliance IP address provided by Microsoft Azure.
  • Access to Veeam Backup for Microsoft Azure appliance using a browser.

Before you start:

Make sure the Veeam Backup for Microsoft Azure appliance is up and running and accessible from your network.


You have an existing Veeam Backup for Microsoft Azure deployment.


  1. In a web browser, navigate to the Veeam Backup for Microsoft Azure using the IP or FQDN of the Azure VM where Veeam Backup for Microsoft Azure is installed (HTTPS).
  2. Read and accept both the Veeam license agreement and the 3rd party components license agreement.
  3. In the Username and Password fields, specify credentials of the Administrator account that was created during product installation.
  4. You will be provided access to Configuration section where you can continue with Veeam Backup for Azure configuration.

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