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The Veeam Cookbook Series

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Recipe: Removing Azure VM Backups and Snapshots

Expected deliverables:

Deletion of Azure VM Backups and Snapshots from Veeam Backup for Azure

Time to complete: 15 minutes


  • The appliance IP address provided by Microsoft Azure.
  • Access to Veeam Backup for Microsoft Azure appliance using a browser.

Before you start:

Double check that the resources that you wish to delete before doing so.


You have an existing Veeam Backup for Microsoft Azure deployment.


  1. Open the Veeam Backup for Microsoft Azure console using a browser (HTTPS).
  2. Switch to “Protected Data” tab on the left
  3. Ensure you have “Virtual Machines” selected at the top
  4. Selected the VMs that require Backups or Snapshots removal
  5. Press “Remove” in the action bar near the top
  6. Select the required action e.g. All, Local etc

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