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The Veeam Cookbook Series

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Recipe: Veeam Backup and Replication integration

Expected deliverables:

Add a Veeam Backup for Google Cloud installation to Veeam Backup and Replication.

Time to complete: 5 minutes


  • Veeam Backup for Google Cloud version 3.x
  • Veeam Backup & Replication version or later.
  • Google Cloud Plug-in for Veeam Backup & Replication already installed on Veeam Backup Server.
  • A Google Cloud Account already addedd to Veeam Backup & Replication instance.
  • A Google Cloud Platform Service Account already addedd to Veeam Backup & Replication instance.
  • A user with administrative privileges on the Veeam Backup for Google Cloud appliance

Before you start: Google Cloud Plug-in for Veeam Backup & Replication is built on top of Veeam Backup & Replication, and this guide assumes that you have a good understanding of this solution.

Assumptions: You have an existing Veeam Backup for Google Cloud deployment.


  1. Open the Veeam Backup & Replication console.
  2. Open the “Backup Infrastructure” view. Navigate to “Manage Servers” and click “Add Server” on the ribbon. In the “Add Server” window, select “Veeam Backup for GCP”.
  3. At the Deployment Mode, select Connect to an existing appliance. Click Next.
  4. At the Account step:
    • From the “GCP service account” drop-down list, select the service account that you used to deploy the Veeam Backup for Google Cloud appliance.
    • From the “Data center” drop-down list, select the Google Cloud region in which the Veeam Backup for Google Cloud appliance reside
    • Click Next
  5. At the Virtual machine step, select the GCP VM instance where the Veeam Backup for Google Cloud appliance is deployed.
  6. At the Connection Type step, choose whether the Veeam Backup for GCP appliance is connected directly to the internet or located in a private network. Default is Direct Connection. Click Next.
  7. At the Credentials step, specify credentials of a user that has administrative privileges on the Veeam Backup for Google Cloud appliance. Click Next.
  8. At the Repositories step, configure access to standard backup repositories added to the Veeam Backup for GCP.
    • In the Repositories list, select a standard backup repository and click Edit.
    • In the Repository window, select a Google Cloud Account with permissions to access the standard backup repository.
    • From the “Use the following gateway server for the Internet access” drop-down list, select a gateway server that will be used to access the repository.
    • If data in the standard backup repository is encrypted, select the “Use the following password for encrypted backups” check box. Then, from the drop-down list, select the password that must be used to decrypt the data.
    • Click OK and then Next.
  9. At the Apply step, wait until Veeam applies the settings. Click Next.
  10. At the Summary step, review details of the added Veeam Backup for Google Cloud appliance and click Finish.

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